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普华天然油漆走进社区 Pu Hua ECO Paint ~ Bringing WELLNESS to community

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5⽉25⽇,⼀场有关绿⾊⽣态的公益活动正式展开。南洋理⼯⼤学穆斯林社团与新加坡普 华有限公司合作,120名学⽣志愿者与来⾃普华的“健康⼤使“们,将在两天的时间内,为15 户穆斯林家庭提供房屋清洁与涂装服务。

On May 25th, a public welfare activity on green ecology was officially launched. The Nanyang Technological University Muslim Society cooperates with Singapore Pu Hua International Pte Ltd to bring WELLNESS to the community. 120 students and volunteers together with Wellness Ambassadors from Pu Hua will provide house cleaning & painting services for 15 Muslim families in two days.

该活动旨在为经济困难的家庭提供帮助,推动社会在积极意义上和谐发展。这⼀次,南洋 理⼯⼤学与新加坡普华有限公司携⼿参与公益,也是基于对新加坡政府倡导的居⺠“绿⾊健康空⽓”的愿景。

The event aims to help families with financial difficulties enjoy a relaxing eco-friendly development on the vision of “Green and Healthy Air” advocated by our Singapore government.

“绿⾊⽣态”是近年来颇具关注度的话题。室内空⽓污染问题不可⼩觑:潮湿霉变、内墙化 学油漆等挥发出的有毒有害⽓体,宠物的⽑发、⽪屑,化学杀⾍剂和清洁剂等,都是影响 ⼈体健康的元凶。⼉童深受其害,⽼⼈也是易感⼈群,因此家庭居住环境必须得到格外重 视。此外,新加坡的⽓候较为湿热,采⽤普通建筑材料的房屋容易受潮⽽⻓出霉菌,也是 造成室内环境恶化的重要因素。这样看来,天然、⽣态的涂装材料,就越发凸显出必要性了。

"Green Ecology" has been a topic of great concern in recent years. The problems of indoor air pollution should not be underestimated! Toxic and harmful gases emitted from mildew, wall paint, wallpaper, washing detergents and carpentry works, and even pets' hair, dust mites and chemical insecticides are all culprits of indoor air pollution. Children as well as the elderly are groups especially affected by it. In addition, because of Singapore's hot and humid climate, houses using ordinary building materials are prone to moisture and mold – another important factor in the deterioration of our indoor environment. So, the Natural and Ecological Wall Coating materials become conspicuous!

普华天然涂料在研发上投⼊了⻓期⼤量的精⼒和财⼒,属全球⾸创的⾼科技⽣态建材,被 科学家誉为:是⼤⾃然赐予⼈类的钥匙,它打开了拯救室内污染,建设⽣态家居的法⻔。 由硅藻⼟制成的天然油漆在各个机构、学校和私宅已经投⼊⼴泛应⽤,⽽这⼀次的公益活 动,却是为收⼊较低的家庭,提供⼀层“⽣态屏障”——整理房屋,为内墙刷上硅藻⼟天然油漆。

Pu Hua Natural Wall Coating has invested a huge amount of energy and financial resources in our research and development – we are the pioneers in this high-tech ecological building material. Furthermore, it is lauded by scientists as the panacea to nature! Our aim is to drastically reduce indoor air pollution and build an ecological home. In fact, our 100% natural paint made from diatomaceous earth has been widely used in various institutions, schools and private houses! As such, we decided to contribute to public welfare activities – by providing an “ecological barrier” for families with lower incomes.

硅藻⼟是由硅藻植物沉积⽽来,经过开发,已经在全球得到了多个领域的应⽤,作为过滤 剂、清理泄漏都是很好的原材料,有部分甚⾄达到⻝品级,可以作为⻝品冷藏、⾯部护理 的材料。由硅藻⼟制成的天然油漆,在涂装材料中当然也成为了佼佼者。翻新后的墙壁, 充满会呼吸的⽓孔,具有极强的吸附性。这些特性使其能够调节室内湿度,使霉菌不再有 ⽣⻓空间,使空⽓的pH值发⽣改变,⼜能够吸附空⽓中的杂质、分解有毒有害⽓体、释放 负离⼦,同时⼜具备杀菌、保温隔热、吸⾳降噪等实⽤功能……这种天然材质,在海内外 的项⽬中都获得了客户的⼀致好评,并且已经获得最⾼绿⾊建材及相关产品功能认证。⽽ 这⼀次公益活动,⽆疑将为这15户家庭提供全新的墙壁“呼吸系统”。

Diatomaceous earth is deposited from the diatom plant. It has been developed and used in various industries around the world. It is an excellent raw material for filters and cleaning aids – some even reach the grade of FOOD! Our 100% natural paint made from Diatomaceous Earth is definitely a leader in coating materials. The refurbished walls are filled with breathable pores and are highly absorbent. These characteristics make it possible to balance indoor humidity so that mold will not develop indoors. But that’s not all! Our 100% natural paint can also: absorb impurities in the air, change its pH value, decompose toxic and harmful gases and release negative ions. It even has practical functions such as sterilization, thermal insulation, sound absorption and noise reduction. As such, this natural material has won unanimous praise from customers at home and abroad. It also obtained the highest green-building materials and related product functions with certifications. This public welfare event will undoubtedly provide a new "breathing wall system" for these 15 families and more in the near future.

整场公益活动将从25⽇持续到26⽇,期间学⽣志愿者会分组,并由普华“健康⼤使”带队, 到相应的家庭完成志愿服务:搬动家具,清洁房屋,为内墙刷上“普华硅藻⼟天然⽣态油 漆”,并完成复位家具及清扫收尾⼯作。

The whole charity event was held from 25th to 26th May. During this period, the student volunteers were led by the Wellness Ambassadors of Pu Hua International to complete volunteer service to the corresponding families – moving furniture and cleaning the house. The wall was brushed using Puhua Diatomaceous Eco Paint, and the work was swiftly completed

正如南洋理⼯⼤学学⽣代表所⾔,他们选择普华作为合作⽅,正是因为新加坡普华有限公 司⽣产的涂装材料对保护⼈体健康所具有的⼋项神奇功效,能够让居⺠的居住环境更健 康、更天然;这次活动的主题,也让⼤学⽣对新加坡居⺠的居住条件有了更多的了解,在 此后的学业和社会实践之中,能够尽⾃⼰所能去帮助别⼈。新加坡普华有限公司的“健康⼤ 使”也认为,从企业⻆度来说,社会公益更是⼀种使命,他们也将继续研发和推⼴更多的天 然⽣态产品。让新加坡⼈都住到有健康保障的“绿⾊建筑”之中,并⾮遥不可及的梦想。

As the student representatives of Nanyang Technological University said, they chose Puhua as a partner precisely because the coating materials produced by Pu Hua International have eight fantastic benefits on human health and the living environment of the house becomes healthier, more vibrant and more natural. The activity also offers the university students a better understanding of the living conditions of various residences in Singapore. In subsequent academic and social practice, with a more intricate understanding of such conditions, they are further motivated to do their best. The Wellness Ambassadors of Pu Hua International also believes that social welfare is an important corporate mission and that everybody should enthusiastically engage in bettering it. That being said, our company will continue to develop and promote more natural ecological products. After all, it is certainly a respectable goal for Singaporeans to live in green buildings that enhance their health.

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